Welcome to our Virtual Vancouver
Remember when you would rather stay in or play host rather than go out? In this age of social distancing, many are finding Skype and Netflix parties are keeping us more social than ever — however with that same old twist: the venue (and for some of us — the wardrobe) never changes; however in ever-innovative Downtown Vancouver Style that hasn’t stopped these Vancouver based virtual social events from helping us stay connected!
Know of a virtual event you’d like to share? We want to hear from you! We’re all in this together, and we look forward to sharing your local events, or sending a shout out to businesses who have taken steps to innovate entirely and support their customers virtually. — so reach out to us in the form below, on any of our social channels, or simply #StayVancouverHotels to get our attention.
What’s Happening in our Virtual Vancouver?

Missing the hustle and bustle of Downtown? Downtown Vancouver BIA is proud to present Part 1 of “Downtown Sounds”, easy listening to virtually showcase the buskers and musicians we work with in our placemaking & public space programs. Listen, support, and follow the new playlists, launching every Thursday. Learn More at www.dtvan.ca
The Workout for Fitness Haters . Local actor and Instagram sensation Jason Sakaki is known for recently livestreaming his one-man production of Les Miserables. Advertised as a “workout/dance class for people who do not like to workout/dance”, make space for big moves and expect a lot of lighthearted fun! Learn more via Instagram
To be or not to be quarantined? Brought to you by the cheeky students of SFU’s School for Contemporary Arts, watch the online recreation of the iconic Shakespeare play.Learn more at sfu.ca
Dancing should be fun. Keep your feet moving and heart pumping in an energizing follow-the-leader style fitness class. You will dance to some of today’s hottest music and leave sweaty and energized. Follow the leader (Jared Byrne) style cardio dance in a sweaty dance party that you can have at home. Expect big queen energy pop hits from Beyonce and Lady Gaga. Learn more at popqueencardio.com

Capture Photo Fest. Held every April, Capture is a photography and lens-based art exhibition in galleries and public spaces. Based in Metro Vancouver, you can browse the digital catalog from submissions all around the world and observe public art pieces (online!).Learn more at facebook.com/CapturePhotoFest
The Best Aquatic Screensaver Ever. You know who else is #stayinghome? Our aquatic pals at the Vancouver Aquarium!…That doesn’t mean they’ve stopped being ADORABLE though! If you want an uplifting backdrop, catch their virtual show for free and from the comfort of your home. See what our city’s Jellyfish, Penguins and Otters are up to right now
#MuseumsAndChill Vancouver has joined the countless International Council of Museums (ICOM) establishments around the globe offering virtual tours. Locally this includes the Vancouver Art Gallery and MOV Learn More
The Best New Video Party App

The new all-ages isolation app we hope is here to stay. You may have already heard of it but passed it up based on the assumption it was just another video call platform — we did at first! The House Party free app allows anyone with a smartphone to:
- Jump in and out of a group video call
- Play Heads Up and Pictionary style games
- Group or two-player trivia and more
Start the party at houseparty.com
Until next time, thank you to all who are doing their parts in healthcare, essential services and by staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’re in this together Vancouver and as we dream of travelling later, we look forward to discovering which clever indoor innovations our beautiful city will come up with next. #stayhomestaysafe
Looking for more? Check out Tourism Vancouver’s latest #VirtuallyVancouver post.